Author: John Bellairs
Published: 1973
Genre: Fantasy
Grade Level: 3th-5th Grade
-Movie Rating: PG for bulling and positive
images of smoking from a hookah
(This review will only be over the first half)
Blurb (from goodreads):
Orphaned Lewis Barnavelt comes to live with his
Uncle Jonathan and quickly learns that both his uncle and his next-door
neighbor are witches on a quest to discover the terrifying clock ticking within
the walls of Jonathan's house. Can the three of them save the world from certain
My Scores:
Writing Style: Good
I love the way sound is incorporated in this
For example: “whip-whip” or “zzzzzit!” or
Books usually focus more on sights and scents,
so we don’t get a whole lot of unusual sounds.
I also loved the way Uncle Johnathan’s dialogue
was written.
For example: “Hmh…hah! Hrumph! Ooh! Sorry,
Lewis, I…I just remembered that I had…that I had left a kettle boiling on the
I love all the sounds and the pauses and
the missteps. It makes him feel like a real person to me.
And I can definitely tell it was written in
’73. There are phrases I have never heard of before.
For example: “moony fat face” or “get bawled
I just don’t feel that the writing style is
unique enough to be given a solid. The voice is very flat otherwise. Had
the book been written in first person, instead of third, I think most of the
problems I have with this book could have been averted.
Characters: Underdeveloped
I adore how Uncle Jonathan is written. His
personality leaps off the page from his thick red hair to his bright
multicolored clothes. All of his actions from his hesitant dialogue to his odd
mannerisms make him feel like a real person trying to hide a big, dangerous
Lewis, the MC, is so inconsistent it drove me
nuts! We’re told that he’s a ten-year-old boy who just lost his parents in a
sudden car crash and being sent to live in a different state with his uncle
who he’s never met.
It might just be me, but that seems like a lot
of trauma to get through, but it never seems to get addressed. This would not
be this first children’s book to do so, but it just irks me.
On one page he’s teary-eyed over the mention of
his old house, but on the next he’s perfectly fine reading a historical passage
about Scotch nobles murdering Rizzio by stabbing him fifty-six times in front
of Mary Queen of scots.
Overall, Lewis just doesn’t make any sense.
And then there’s this...
“Lewis sat down, and Jonathan lit up his hookah.
Lewis always liked to watch him do this. The hookah was shaped like a Spanish
galleon, and the crow’s nest on the mainmast was the bowl. The body of the ship
was full of water for cooling the smoke, and up on the bow stood the tiny
ceramic figure of a boatswain with his pipe to his lips. A long hose was
plugged into the mouthpiece on the end…”
I don’t think ten-year-olds should think hookahs
are cool. I don’t think adults should freely use them in front of
Messaging in children’s books is extremely
important to me. By all means, have your adult characters have
flaws. It important for kids to understand that adults aren’t perfect. Who else
remembers being so relieved when Marrilla told Anne she was sorry about
accusing her of stealing her broach? Who else remembers being over the moon
when the Wormwoods let Mrs. Honey adopt Matilda?
My point here is that authors have a
responsibility to their readers, and that their readers love a good redemption
No Plot
I mean, it has a plot… it's just really poorly done. As talked
about in the blurb, the main plot is to find out the mystery behind this
creepy, old mansion with walls that tick like a clock.
And I like that aspect of the book, there just isn’t enough of it. Instead of everyone getting together
and trying to discover more things about the house, it's like they all tried
to forget about it and go on about their lives.
It got really
frustrating, so I just stopped reading.
Overall, I was bored with the plot and
frustrated with the characters. I truly wanted to love this book, but compared
to Neil Gaiman’s Graveyard Book or
Roald Dahl’s The Witches, it let me
down big time. While I loved the set up to this book, there was no momentum given
to the plot to hold my attention.
Extra Notes:
If they went through the trouble of remaking the
cover, they should have changed ALL the illustrations. ‘Cause, I mean, look at

They’re just so lame compared to the pictures in
my head. Well, maybe except for the first one. I kind of like that one.
Goodreads Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
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